EEPC - third keynote speaker!
I'm excited to announce that we've confirmed our third keynote speaker for the Effective Education Partnerships Conference - it's Dr. David Mathews, president of The Kettering Foundation.
Dr. Mathews has written extensively on the issue of public engagement in education (see here for his latest book); prior to joining Kettering, he served as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the Ford administration and as president of the University of Alabama.
We now have all three of our keynote presenters confirmed - Dr. Mathews, Dr. Rick Hess, and Dr. John Stone!
In other news, breakout session proposals are starting to roll in, and time is running out if you'd like to participate - the deadline in Friday, December 14. Go here for more information.
Dr. Mathews has written extensively on the issue of public engagement in education (see here for his latest book); prior to joining Kettering, he served as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the Ford administration and as president of the University of Alabama.
We now have all three of our keynote presenters confirmed - Dr. Mathews, Dr. Rick Hess, and Dr. John Stone!
In other news, breakout session proposals are starting to roll in, and time is running out if you'd like to participate - the deadline in Friday, December 14. Go here for more information.
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