EEPC 2008 agenda available
I'm very proud to announce that we've confirmed the agenda for the 2008 Effective Education Partnerships Conference. Go here to review the agenda and to download it into PDF format.
We've had our keynote speakers in place for some time - what's new is that we've announced our breakout sessions, which make up the bulk of the event. We'll have six breakout sessions, with five sessions running simultaneously in each - a total of 30.
I'm thrilled at the quality and diversity of our sessions! Given that the conference is intended to bring school and business people together to discuss effective partnership practices, it's fitting that we have equal representation from each group: 12 sessions led by education professionals and 12 by business leaders, with the remaining six falling into an "other" category (primarily foundations and higher education).
The presentations include case studies that highlight effective practices, sessions on effective strategy in program design and community engagement, and discussions on attracting resources and engaged partners to your efforts.
This is exactly the lineup I had hoped to see when we first envisioned the conference - go here to see what you'll be getting when you attend.
We've had our keynote speakers in place for some time - what's new is that we've announced our breakout sessions, which make up the bulk of the event. We'll have six breakout sessions, with five sessions running simultaneously in each - a total of 30.
I'm thrilled at the quality and diversity of our sessions! Given that the conference is intended to bring school and business people together to discuss effective partnership practices, it's fitting that we have equal representation from each group: 12 sessions led by education professionals and 12 by business leaders, with the remaining six falling into an "other" category (primarily foundations and higher education).
The presentations include case studies that highlight effective practices, sessions on effective strategy in program design and community engagement, and discussions on attracting resources and engaged partners to your efforts.
This is exactly the lineup I had hoped to see when we first envisioned the conference - go here to see what you'll be getting when you attend.
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